Whereas, The West Virginia Republican Party recognizes that the United States of America is a beacon of hope for millions across the globe in search of liberty and that immigration is a cornerstone in who we are as Americans and as West Virginians;
Whereas, The West Virginia Republican Party believes that immigration must be handled responsibly for the protection of all American citizens, natural born and naturalized alike;
Whereas, The West Virginia Republican Party fully supports the construction of a border wall along the entire southern border of the United States to prevent any unlawful entry;
Whereas, The West Virginia Republican Party believes that the immigration system of the United States must protect citizens by providing a thorough and efficient vetting process for all immigrants entering the United States, even in times of crisis;
Whereas, The West Virginia Republican Party stands firmly against “Sanctuary Cities” and any call to implement this policy anywhere in the state of West Virginia;
Whereas, The West Virginia Republican Party believes in a merit-based immigration system that strengthens American sovereignty and resilience by attracting skilled immigrants from across the globe;
Whereas, The West Virginia Republican Party stands firmly against any exploitation of the asylum process and believes it should be limited to political, ethnic, or religious persecution;
Whereas, The West Virginia Republican Party believes the decision on relocation of refugees into West Virginia should be decided by state and local governments including but not limited to the West Virginia Governor and Legislature based upon security and fiscal responsibility;
Whereas, The West Virginia Republican Party recognizes the damage caused by illegal immigration and the widespread ramifications it has across every community in the United States;
Whereas, Drug cartels are smuggling record levels of deadly narcotics, human traffickers are attempting to exploit families and children, and rapists and criminals are brutalizing women who are making the trek to come to America;
Whereas, The West Virginia Republican Party believes in the facts which show that President Biden and Democrats’ open-border policies and rhetoric are incentivizing illegal immigration into the United States and the mayhem we are seeing falls squarely on their backs;
Therefore be it resolved that, The West Virginia Republican Party is firmly committed to protecting our national security through stringent immigration policies, border enforcement, and legislative action.
Submitted by Tresa Howell, Chairman of the Kanawha County Republican Executive Committee