Hancock GOP Meet the Candidates
Cove Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall – 2404 Main St., Weirton, WV 26062 Candidates: Congress, WV Senate, WV House, Commission, Sheriff, Magistrate
Cove Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall – 2404 Main St., Weirton, WV 26062 Candidates: Congress, WV Senate, WV House, Commission, Sheriff, Magistrate
Leslie’s Gym in Cowen
17 North Main St., Philippi, WV (across from BC Courthouse) Tickets: $30 each For Reservations or Information 304-626-5331, 304-614-7510 The menu will be: Grilled Chicken & Tavern Ham Mashed Potatoes […]
Co-hosted by Berkeley County Republican Club Heritage Hall in Inwood Keynote: Lt. Col. Allen West Ticket purchases: Lisa White: 240-464-1608 Meet and Greet from 4:30-6:00 and Dinner from 6:00-9:00
Contact: GrantCREC@gmail.com
Lewis County Senior Center (W 2nd Street in Weston) $35/person Tickets purchased at: (304) 517-3601 (deadline 4/12)
Sleepy Hollow Golf Club in Hurricane
Monroe County Candidates Night at our the Reagan Dinner will be Friday, April 26 at 6:30 pm at the Life Center of Lindside Methodist Church in Lindside, WV. Doors open […]
Richie County 4-H Grounds Assembly Hall
The Pendleton County Republican Executive Committee is sponsoring a Lincoln-Reagan Day Dinner on Friday, August 23, 2024, at Fisher Mountain Golf Course just outside of Franklin, WV. Social hour at […]
Webster County Republican Executive Committee will have a booth to promote our Republican Party. All Republican voters, candidates, and office holders are invited to come to our Fair. Wednesday Sept […]